Because They Hate
They Must Be Stopped
What They Are Saying
Sean Hannity - “It is our responsibility to recognize and confront evil in the world – and I’m convinced that if we fail in that mission, it will lead us to disaster. That’s why I applaud Brigitte for writing RISE….If you’re a concerned American who wants to know the truth, you need to read this book!”
Publisher’s Weekly - “Her writing is eloquent, and her passion is tremendous.”
Judge Jeanine Pirro - “RISE is a must read for every American who senses the perilous path we’re on and wants to do their part to challenge the course of our country.”
Editorial Review - “Praise for Brigitte Gabriel and the New York Times Bestseller ‘Because They Hate’.”
Dinesh D’Souza - “RISE is a searing, truth-telling expose of the growing threat to our values of Judeo-Christian civilization.”
World Magazine - “She speaks with the passion of a survivor who has seen death and destruction firsthand – and doesn’t want America to suffer the same future as Lebanon.”
Tomi Lahren - “Brigitte is not only an inspirational picture of courage and female empowerment, she is the perfect example of the American Dream. I am honored to call her a friend. Rise Is not just a book – it is a rallying cry for Americans. This book serves as the perfect reminder of what we have and what we have to lose.”
The Bulletin - “Gabriel makes her case, but also offers a sound and powerful program of what we have to do as a nation and as individuals to stave off defeat.”
Lt Col. Allen West, US Army, RET. - “No one is more passionate, No one is more clear. No one is more fearless.”
Michelle Malkin - “Brigitte Gabriel is a fierce and fearless patriot who fights every day to defend America and the West from civilization threats at home and abroad. Head her warnings. Follow her lead. Support her work. Brigitte is an invaluable beacon for freedom!”
Dana Loesch - “I love the principals I was raised with and saw in action growing up in southern Missouri. I know Brigitte shares my passion for defending the same principals. That’s why I encourage you to read her book Rise. It’s an eye opener that will inform the way you think, but more importantly it will empower what you do!”
L. Brent Bozell Jr. - “Brigitte’s new book is a clarion call to everyone who holds our freedoms dear. No longer can we sit silently, while the radicals advance their plans to erode our nation’s foundation. It’s time to stand strong in defense of our values and freedoms.”
R. James Woolsey, CIA Director, 1993-1995 - “A compelling and captivating personal story with a powerful lesson about the threats to freedom in our time.”
Dave Rubin - “Brigitte Gabriel is an unfiltered, unapologetic voice of truth exposing the threats to free speech and other rights Western countries are built upon. The driving force behind her new book Rise, is her belief that “we never really own freedom. It’s something we preserve and pass on to the next generation.”
Joe Piscopo - “Brigitte Gabriel has so much in common with America: they’re both incredibly inspirational; they’ve both struggled and thrived in the face of overwhelming odds; and they’re both warriors for the cause of freedom.”
Dr. John Hagee - “Because They Hate” is powerful, passionate, and full of divine purpose.”